Have you watched the anime "The World God Only Knows"? well just so you know my favorite character is Shioro Shiomiya!!!
(here's some pictures of her)
(the first two are from the anime and the last is a fanart I think . . .)
I guess its because I can kinda relate with to her. Its not like I have problems talking or anything its just that I to don't like talking so much but I have a lot of things to say. I'm not sure if I talk to myself but I think I do. I guess my previous journals and this blog is kinda proof of it. The main reason is because the things I think about are stupid. Anyways even in online chats I don't like talking cause you usually have to keep the conversation going and stuff . . . (>_<) and also in talking to real persons. I don't mind being alone so much. Ilike it quiet but then people would go like "loner" or "you look so emo" and all I can say in reply is "really? . . . I'm not though" then just smile. I hate that. That's why I'm kinda forced into talking with people. You know I hate confrontations. Especially with intimidating people or people who like expect you to be funny or spontaneous. If I could at those moments I would like curl myself at the ground but I can't so instead when I reach like an intimidating question I would like close my eyes really tight and I think my face goes red. I do tat when I'm embarrassed and people would just let it pass and call me cute . . . (>_<)
Another thing we have in common is that I also like to read books but unlike her I don't remember them so well. I've got a bad memory. I like reading romance novels or short stories or manga. Whenever I'm reading them I would always imagine that the person in love would be me. So am I slutty if I imagine myself in my real life being fawned over by a lot of guys . . . its kinda ironic you know how in the previous paragraph I said that talking to people scare me and now I want to have a special someone but that can't be achieved right without me talking to that person.
You know I read once that the trick into falling inlove is not to expect anything. I guess I'm not going to fall in love anytime son since I lie expect the guy to smart and take robotics as a course(like Michael from pirncess diaries) and the loves anime and manga, cosplays, plays piano and other instruments, joins chambers, takes taekwondo lessons, good at computers, programmer, loves making movies, draws anime, can read my mind, know when I'm about to cry, head over heels in love with me. So you see I still have alot of expectations . . . sigh how am I going to fall in love now???
You know like Shiori I'm also scared of alot of things so I hope that my one and only can also give me courage.
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